Monthly Archives: April 2013

Pray and Cross Your Fingers

The North Korean saga continues. According to a recent Huffington Post article, it’s suggested that North Korea is doing nothing more than posturing for a future disarmament-for-aid arrangement. In the process, the little man in charge, Kim Jong-Un is positioning himself as a tough military leader as the NK media spotlights and applauds his actions. His people really do consider him as some type of god.

You and I know that there is more to this exchange than is being divulged publicly. Evidence of that is in the pudding. The US has staged military might, including a sea-positioned radar platform, in the area in anticipation of escalating problems. Word is that China has positioned its own military strength along its NK borders. Even the UN has weighed in on the issue with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon admitting the crisis has gone too far.

So, what does this all mean to the lay citizens of the United States? Probably nothing. The diplomats will broker a deal with Jong-Un, he will get a ship load of peace offerings, will agree to step-down his nuclear plans, and everyone will sleep easier.

But what if that is not the case? What if Jong-Un makes good on his threats? Is he that mentally unstable? In the meantime, the U.S. will continue to exercise its military might in defense of ally South Korea and in defense of peace and stability in the region.

My question is, does the U.S. have the leadership to navigate this crisis if things escalate? I’ve been praying…and keeping my fingers crossed for a reason.

Categories: Political: Foreign | Leave a comment

The Narcissist

I admit it! I like to publish stuff. It’s been a bit of an obsession since I figured out I could capitalize on free blog space. All four or five readers that regularly peruse my posts sometimes encourage me through their comments. “Cool! Keep up the writing! Nice job…they write. So, in an effort to satisfy their needs, I keep blogging. When you got an audience…

Ok, I admit that last thread of dialogue is very “Michael-ish” from The Office fame. You know him as the clueless narcissist who leads Dunder-Mifflin.  In a round-about way I can relate to Michael. Actually, I posit that most of us humans can see a little bit of ourselves in Michael. On the other hand, I suppose most of us love to hate him or at least mock him. He represents the narcissist in all of us and whether or not we admit it, that’s the side of ourselves that we abhor.

As a final thought for the day…

Life is about balancing the glowing opinion we have of ourselves with the abhorrent views others may have of us.

So here’s the first post of my newest blog. Come back often and read!


Categories: Contemporary | Leave a comment

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